Men Aren't Supposed to Understand Women

♦◊♦ I’ve finally realized that I’m not supposed to understand my woman. I am only supposed to love her in all her wild mystery. I’m a “core masculine” man. I wouldn’t want to completely understand a woman, anyway. Like most men, once I understand or completely figure something out – or even think I have –

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It's Time to Grow Up (but not Old)

I had two bowls of cereal for dinner the other night. The next morning, I went out and played my worst game of pickup basketball … ever. Afterwards, while I sat dejected on the grassy side of this Santa Monica basketball court overlooking a sun-splashed Pacific Ocean, I posted on Facebook that I’ve decided it’s

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A Man's Evolution in Intimacy with Women

♦◊♦ I used to just want a woman’s sexy body. Later I wanted her intelligent mind, too. Now, as the mature masculine man in me awakens, there’s something far more precious than her body or even her mind that I covet: her devotional heart. I’ll explain. Here’s my evolution in intimacy with women: As a

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No One Ever Taught Me How to be a Man

♦◊♦ No one ever taught me how to be a Man. I love my two fathers, my dad and step-dad. I’m truly blessed to have both of these good men in my life. But it was my two mothers (mom and step-mom) who were the strong, orienting leaders in my early life, who held the families

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Bringing Mindfulness to the US Military

On Friday, I returned to the US Military. I hadn’t been on a military installation in official capacity in over 13 years. But the world is shifting. A few months ago, I got an email from an Army Lieutenant Colonel. She had just read my popular blog on The Daily Love about how to give

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Embracing The Ache of Loneliness


♦◊♦ This blog is dedicated to the lonely. Even the lonely who have partners. Have you ever felt really lonely? I mean that kind of loneliness where you lie awake at night and your chest pulses with soft ache and your heart slowly burns as some persistent thought insists you’re destined to go through this

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Breathing Into "Untimely" Sexual Energy

30 day♦◊♦ Sexual energy rises and falls in the body like the tides. I’m a single, 39th-year man, living in Santa Monica, California, surrounded by brilliant AND gorgeous women. Yet I have no intimate female partner with whom I can express the natural sexual energies coursing through my body every single damn day. Do you

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I Gave Up Women (Briefly) & Got My Life Back (Indefinitely)

I’m thrilled to share my first article published in Elephant Journal. Here’s an excerpt and link to the full article. Warning: It’s saucy …  ————— Recently, I wrote a blog that went out to thousands of women. The title of that blog was “Why I’m giving up women for 30 days.” It was one of my

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Can I walk you to your car?

“Can I walk you to your car?” I asked her. “Oh, don’t worry, I can walk myself,” she responded. The boy inside me thought, yeah, she can walk herself; she doesn’t need me. The Man inside me thought, yes, she can walk herself, and I will walk her, anyway. It was dark outside, a bit

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